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Showing posts with label Leuchtturm. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Personal Pink Domino Detailed Set-Up

(Please watch out for Credits at the end of this post.)

Hi everyone!

I left you last time with some photos of the Domino.  In this post, I'll show you the set-up in detail. I decided to split the post into two since it had gotten to be quite long.

I've since added the sticker on the front and another bottom tab.

And added a bookmark, or two.

Onto the insides.

Card slots on the left has some flags, DiY'ed bookmarks, and business cards.  The flyleaf is washi taped front and back with my name on it using rub-ons.

DiY sticker storage on the right
Behind the flyleaf, "Words I think sound cool."

More storage for transparent stickers

Diary tab with photo of my
husband and I at a water ride.
There are a few things I'm doing differently this year, including using transparent stickers (left).

Another thing I'm doing differently is using a monthly diary.  I never got on with one before but I'm determined to make it work this time.  Washi tape was used just to mark the beginning and end of each month.

Also behind the Diary tab are the weeklies.

I made a double-flyleaf with a bottom tab to mark the week and for post-its.  It's the pink striped washi at the bottom of the first few pictures.  Here's a shot of it on a clean weekly spread.

The clear plastic throws me off a little bit so I washi-taped the edges so I can 'see' that it's there. (Does that make sense?)

I used a 'calendar' washi to make tabbed months without adding bulk.

I also used it to do the following:

(1) Mark off the beginning of each month (right);

(2) add color to the monthlies.

For tabs, I used these K&Company Smash tabs which I didn't think much of until I saw them in the store and fell in love with them.  I 'laminated' them with packaging tape and labeled them so I can reuse them.  They're just attached with washi tape.  I love these tabs!

Another flyleaf with sticky notes

DIY envelope (a la Dayrunner) used as 'Notes' tab
The Notes section has lots of loose paper and blank pages.

The next section is the 'Blog' tab with Raine's (and my!) pink Domino as cover.  (:

This is where I write Blog ideas and notes.  I tick off whether I have (1) taken photos, (2) written the post, and (3) published the post.

'Index' tab
Color-Coding key
The last tab is an 'Index'.  I used the Filofax label tabs and color-coded with cardstock. I didn't bother to label them as I know my color-coding by heart, but I wrote down a key anyway.  Just in case.

This replaced the GTD system I was previously using.

I also 'laminated' them with clear contact paper just to make them more durable.

Each sub-tab in the Index section has a Table of Contents.
Behind the 'Home' tab
The 2 bookmarks at the top mark a Notes page (pink) and phone numbers (blue).

Most of the contents are lists (you know how those go) as well as some tracking I need to do like my dog's vet schedule, bills due and if/when paid, etc.

Kobe's vet visits in the 'Family' tab
Bills schedule in the 'Financial' section
I use either colored paper that corresponds to the sub-tab, or grid paper.

'Crafting' tab. How I planned out my DiY bookmark on grid paper

Full Adhesive Post-Its.  I love these.
More Post-Its and flags.
And lastly, at the very back is the sticky note storage.  I put a lot of them here so I don't have to dig them out when I need then, AND, to use them up so I can buy more, LOL.

Muji zipped envelope holds
smaller items.
Top opening envelope
with flags and a ruler

And even more sticky notes and flags, and a ruler.

I love the business card holders and envelopes for storing things!

At the very back, a flyleaf with another pen/loop and a Midori pocket sticker to hold Muji stickies.

I usually don't store things in the bigger pockets because I sometimes forget they're there.

The pens I use here are a 5- and 3-barrel Coleto and a blue ballpoint.  I'd really like to wean myself from color-coding, but that's an entire post in itself.

Now, a parting shot of the back of 'Charlotte'.  (I'm naming her for the very kind lady who helped me get her.)
Such a pretty color!
If you have any questions about anything I didn't touch on, just leave a comment below.

Goodbye for now, thanks for visiting!

Credits (a.k.a. Enablers):

Adamsfilo:  I realized from his video how how useful the multi-purpose card holder can be.  I got 2.  I was also able to find the Midori transparent stickers he uses and I love them.
Mits2:  Her pink Domino was so cute, I knew I had to get one.
Kent from Oz:  I copied the idea of the flyleaf from him.
Charlotte (from the UK):  Where I live is a Sahara for Filofaxes.  Thanks again for helping me get the Domino, and some other goodies!