
Friday, November 23, 2012

Planner Grazing

Hi everyone!

I came across this Philofaxy article by the Philofaxer about Planner Grazing.  I don't know about you, but it rings sooo true for me.

Here's what he has to say:

"Planner Grazing is the act of picking up one's planner and flipping through each of its sections idly.  The Planner Grazer has no particular goal in mind; there is no appointment that must be immediately recorded; there is no phone number about to slip out of memory.  The Planner Grazer merely luxuriates in the splendid variety of data receptacles in the planner . . ."

He talks about it in more length, but that's the gist of his article.

This resonates with me because I do the same things:  I flip through my Filofax from time to time, checking to see if there's something I should write down.  Maybe I'm looking for inspiration.  Maybe I'm checking to see if I forgot something.  Maybe I'm critiquing my set-up to see if it works for me, if the tabs are the right ones, or in the right places.  But mostly, I'm enjoying handling my Filofax and thanking God for its invention.

Do you do this too?  (:

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I had to think about it for a minute. I think I do planner graze occasionally. Also thankful for its invention. Couldn't function without it.

    1. I think I know what you mean. I didn't realize I was doing it until I read that post. (: And I can't imagine myself going back to a bound notebook again. Unless maybe the Midori that I'm itching to try. (: Regards!

  2. Yes. I def do that. Glad I am not the only one.

    1. Yay, the Philofaxer and I aren't alone. I knew I wasn't crazy, LOL.

  3. I do this frequently. Sometimes it jolts my memoery that I need to do a task. Sometimes I realise there is some info I don't have in there, but should. And sometimes, I do it just because I enjoy it :) I have a vintage 1984 Lefax in the most amazing leather and I love it.

    1. Hi fellow Planner Grazer! I've been on the prowl for a non-black vintage Filo with buttery soft leather myself.

  4. Oh my gosh! I do this too! Almost every day! I just love to flip through the pages for no apparent reason
